Re: [modeller_usage] should I use T-COFFEE alignment or generate one with alignmnent() module
To: Thomas Evangelidis <>
Subject: Re: [modeller_usage] should I use T-COFFEE alignment or generate one with alignmnent() module
From: Modeller Caretaker <>
Date: Thu, 04 Feb 2010 16:32:34 -0800
On 02/03/2010 06:43 PM, Thomas Evangelidis wrote:
Actually I used as a means to narrow down the list with the 8
potential templates, not to generate an alignment for comparative
That's what I figured - won't give you a useful modeling
alignment. But there is no requirement to compare your templates with either.
Certainly my option 3 (letting Modeller align the sequences) is not a
good idea as T-COFFEE's method is more sophisticated and incorporates
structural information. So I'm between 1. and 2.
Right - align() is the simplest alignment method, so will not be
competitive with anything other than simple sequence-sequence alignment
methods. So feel free to use T-COFFEE or one of Modeller's more powerful
alignment methods, such as SALIGN.
1. edit my T-COFFEE-generated consensus alignment by leaving only the 4
sequences I need, and create an alignment for Modeller
2. generate a new structure-based alignment with T-COFFE with only the
selected 4 sequences and feed it to Modeller
Why not build both and see? (1) sounds better to me, but it's impossible
to be sure.