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"Array too small. Increase MBNDPF"

Dear Dr. Bozidar Yerkovich,
I have added topology of HYP into top.lib, and modified restyp.lib(using "o" as residue code for HYP).
But when I did modelling, it reported the following errors and warnings.
addprm__223E> Array too small. Increase  MBNDPF
recover____E> ERROR_STATUS >= STOP_ON_ERROR:        1       1
getf_______W> RTF restraint not found in the atoms list:
getf_______W> RTF restraint not found in the atoms list:
getf_______W> RTF restraint not found in the atoms list:
iatmcls_286W> MODEL atom not classified:  ALA:OT1  ALA
iatmcls_286W> MODEL atom not classified:  ALA:OT2  ALA
r_stere_607W> Cannot find params in params file:
addprm__440W> Adding params (mean,force,period):        1.5431      300.0000        1
r_stere_607W> Cannot find params in params file:
addprm__440W> Adding params (mean,force,period):        3.0698      300.0000        1
r_stere_607W> Cannot find params in params file:
addprm__440W> Adding params (mean,force,period):        1.0924      300.0000        1
r_stere_607W> Cannot find params in params file:
addprm__440W> Adding params (mean,force,period):        3.8828      300.0000        1
r_stere_607W> Cannot find params in params file:
addprm__440W> Adding params (mean,force,period):       66.6866       60.0000        1
r_stere_607W> Cannot find params in params file:
addprm__440W> Adding params (mean,force,period):      111.1069       60.0000        1

How could I fix these problem?
I attach an uuencoded compressed tar archive of all input and output files.
Thank you very much!
With best regards,
Kong Lesheng

BioInformatics Center
National University of Singapore
10 Kent Ridge Cresent
Tel: (65)6874 4459
Fax: (65)6778 2466

Attachment: 1TCG.tar.Z
Description: Binary data